Scientific Team

Leading investigator in the Cannabinoid System, Feeding and Addiction Behavioral Disorders.
Principal Investigator and Head of Neuropsychopharmacology research programs at IBIMA Research centre (Malaga Hospital System). "Nicolas Monardes" Senior Chair in Research.
Head of Neuropsychopharmacology research group, Complutense University, School of Psychology (Madrid).
National Coordinator Spanish Research Network on Drug Addiction, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Health Department, Government of Spain.
21 patents granted, 297 published scientific articles, 71 research grants awarded, 1 International and 3 National research awards, and 153 papers presented at international conferences.
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Scripps Research Institute (USA);
Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of California (USA);
Ph.D. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, U. Complutense of Madrid;
M.D. Medicine-Surgery UCM.

Leading Medical Scientist focused on medical complications of substance abuse. Internal Medicine specialist with emphasis in viral infections and alcoholic liver disease.
Director, Addiction treatment Unit, University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona.
PI in Clinical Research, IGTP Research Center at University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona.
Professor of Medicine, Autonomous University of Barcelona School of Medicine.
Visiting Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.
M.Sc. Public Health, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore.
MD, U. of Barcelona
Fulbright Scholar 2016-17 Johns Hopkins University.

Expert in Neuropsychopharmacology of Ingestive Behaviors and Drug Addiction.
Co-discoverer of key physiological and pharmacological modulators of addictive behaviour.
Co-Group Leader Neuropharmacology of Ingestive Behavior and Addiction research team at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).
Director, M.Sc. Program in Psychopharmacology and Drugs of Abuse UCM.
Professor, Psychobiology and Behavioral Sciences UCM.
118 scientific publications and meeting presentations, and 29 Research grants.
2015 Award, International Drugs of Abuse Research Society.
Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow, the Scripps Research Institute (US).
Ph.D. Pharmacology UCM.

Leading Research Scientist in Pharmacology and Neurosciences focusing on clinical pharmacology of drugs of addiction.
Director, Neurosciences Research Program, Hospital del Mar Research Centre (IMIM) and Hospital del Mar Clinical Pharmacology Unit.
Professor of Toxicology, Department of Experimental Sciences and Health, School of Biology, Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona)
Member , UNDCP (United Nations Drug Control Program) Panel.
Member, NCCLS (National Committees on Laboratory Standards-USA, Testing for Drugs of Abuse)
Deputy Head, Antidoping Laboratory Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Analytical Toxicology
4 patents, 281 published scientific documents.
Post-Doctoral Fellow Clinical Pharmacology, McGill University (Montreal).
Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital (London).
Pharm.D. Barcelona University.

Clinical investigator focusing on inflammation, intestinal permeability, liver damage and cardiovascular health in patients with alcohol use disorder.
Attending physician, Internal Medicine Department at Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, Badalona.
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
Member, College on Problems of Drug Dependence, USA.
Member, Spanish Society of Internal Medicine.
Associate editor, Addiction Science & Clinical Practice.
Post-doctoral fellow, Boston University School of Medicine.
Ph.D. in Medicine, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
MD, Universitat de Barcelona.

Expert in Drug Development, Candidate Economic Valuation & Licensing.
Occupied global head and US head positions in drug development and therapeutic strategy in Sanofi and Merck.
Numerous licensing-in and licensing-out deals structured between mid-size biotech and big pharma companies.
17 patents.
18 scientific documents published.
Ph.D. Biophysics at Caltech (Pasadena).
BSE Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania (US)
Benjamin Franklin Scholar.

Expert in Cognitive Effects of substance abuse.
Co-discoverer of the role of inflammatory and cannabinoid systems in alcohol related disorders.
Principal Investigator at IBIMA (Malaga), Neuropsychopharmacology of Addictive Disorders.
177 scientific articles and meeting presentations.
Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Scripps Research Institute (CA, US).
Ph.D., Biology, Malaga University (Spain).
B.S. and M.Sc. Biological Sciences, Malaga University (Spain).